Our experienced team of award winning professionals deliver innovative and immersive learning experiences for all
The Museum’s educational programme offers a wide variety of Keys Stage 1 – 4 sessions and programmes linked to the skills, knowledge and critical thinking required in a range of subject matters.
Enjoy high quality tutor-led sessions in art, social history and literacy, and an outreach programme that promotes interactivity and inspires imagination through object handling.
Rated excellent by Ofsted, our innovative Media Team offer a unique and bespoke programme of re-engagement activities for Key Stage 4. Our star programme is the award winning Creative Bridges – developed for students with learning disabilities. These popular courses are all linked to employability in the creative industries and framed around creative media.

Culture Coventry is proud to be working in partnership with schools and settings on their Artsmark Award journey. By supporting Artsmark settings, we’re helping put the arts at the heart of education, inspiring young people to create, experience and participate in high quality arts and culture.
Our programme includes exhibitions, creative workshops for students and CPD and networking for teachers.
Find out more about Artsmark at www.artsmark.org.uk

Key stage 1 and 2 pupils can take part in Discover in a Day during a joint visit to Coventry Transport Museum and the Herbert Art Gallery. Our trained Arts Award advisors will assess your students’ work and submit them for their Discover Arts Awards.
Find out more about Discover in a Day here
Bronze Arts Award is delivered through the Creative Bridges programme which is available to young people aged 16-25 through partnerships with special schools in Coventry and Warwickshire. For more information visit www.creative-bridges.org or email kerrie.suteu@cvlife.co.uk

For settings working towards Arts Award at all levels, our exhibitions and workshops can help you to explore different art forms and artists and to take part in a variety of arts activities.
Find out more about Arts Award here www.artsaward.org.uk
To find out how Culture Coventry can support Arts Award and/or your Artsmark journey, contact Lisa Ford at lisa.ford@cvlife.co.uk