The Herbert Art Gallery & Museum is committed to being accessible for everyone. Here, you can find information about accessible facilities and resources across the site to plan your visit. For more information please call 024 7623 7521.
Wheelchair Users
- There is level access to each gallery floor and transfer between floors by lift.
- There are accessible toilets on both ground and first floors.
- Parking for Blue Badge holders is on Bayley Lane opposite the entrance to the Herbert.
Neurodivergent Visitors
- Gallery text panels and printed information has been designed to be easy to read.
- Please note that Gallery lighting conditions vary between exhibition areas
Enjoy this brief guide to accessing the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum for neurodivergent visitors.
Why not pick up the guide and a range of Sensory Backpacks to support you during your visit! Please enquire at reception to find out more.

Baby-change facilities are on the ground floor. The Herbert is proud to be breastfeeding friendly.
Changing Places Facilities
The nearest Changing Places toilets are a short distance away located at:
Coventry Central Library, Smithford Way, CV1 1FY
The Wave, New Union St, CV1 2PS